New website (!) and thank you!


We are 6.5 years old and finally getting a new website!!  This has been about 3 years in the works, with COVID destroying the vision for two years!  I’m so excited to have this new website, which organizes our site way better than the old site and is so much easier to navigate.  

For my first blog, I want to say “thanks”.  We have built an incredibly loyal following over the last six years, and we appreciate it.  I always tell the kids that I hire, that one of the main reasons I opened a sweets store is because I wanted to be around happy people.  I figured that if we put out a good product, there would be little to complain about and everyone would be in a good mood when they were in the store.  After all, who can be mad/upset/angry when you walk into a colorful store that smells amazing and has tons of sweets to choose from!? 

So, “thank you” to all of our customers-whether you order online, come in weekly, monthly or just order a cake occasionally for something special!  We are grateful for all of you!